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Mar 4
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I have no idea who Ryan Dawson is nor any reason to say this person is controlled opposition.

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EXPOSED: All the Queen’s Agents and Corporations that Control the World -

One Gigantic International Spiderweb working hand in hand with the money lenders, Jesuits, Freemasons, Pilgrim Society, global corporations, secret societies, religious institutions, etc. etc. . The interconnection is beyond comprehension! It took them 5500 years to get this close for the take over of the world! We cannot allow this to happen! Humanity must get off their knees and strike back!

Posted in 2018



Courage, strength, Faith and Blessings to Each and Everyone out there!

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pssst - they're all jews

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Thanks much for posting this, Jeanice! Shared with many others!

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my pleasure John. Thanks for sharing!

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He was like a rock star—huge crowds of admirers and throngs of women moved to tears by his presence, openly weeping!

It was reminiscent of Beatlemania during the '60s!

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He was the most beloved leader that ever existed in our world. He was a TRUE leader -- one who cared about his people and his country.

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Yes, it seems to be. As a German I was taught to hate him, with beginning of the first Grades. Also the most alternativ Media don't Touch this topic. There are few like Max Igan.

I really have to overthink my old worldview. Especially since we are in this messy situation all over the world.

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Yes, we are all needing to break through the mind control and the jewish lies that have been shoved down our throats from early childhood. It's happening and that is a good thing.

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There was this old lady on the bus with a nice accent that I asked about

She said she’s from Austria then it came up that her parents were in an orchestra and that she met Hitler

She said she’s always been fascinated by how charming he was and even the dogs loved him

Thank you for this. It’s refreshing to see the other side of the story other than Hollywood and government schools.

I was adopted as an infant and never met my German father, but now feel this could’ve been the story from him or my grandfather


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So happy to share this video and glad you were able to view it Tracy. It really does show the Truth and the more people that see it, the better. I am assuming you live in Hawaii? Which island do you live on? I lived on Maui for 11 years and miss it so much.

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East side of the big island here

Aloha !

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Where is it possible to download that masterpiece?

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You need to find a rumble downloader. here's the link to the video: https://rumble.com/v5urvbq--the-hitler-test-2024.html

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Hitler is fake.

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