Excellent work Jeanice. I trust this information will spread far and wide. This is the last thing the Powers That Shouldn't Be (PTSB) want because they are all about pain, trauma, and depopulation.
I really appreciate your efforts to teach this material. Did you see Ray and Midwestern Plagiarist both put out an article today on hospital birth?
Yeah - I did see that. I haven't had a chance to read either one of them yet. I'm so focused on putting together the proof of the ultrasound article being plagiarized and now I have to deal with that piece of shit also stealing info from my birth trauma book. This is feeling like ALOT of work, but I'm going to complete the task and make sure the information spreads wildly.
Did it with all my boys… we had to go 3,5 hours every Friday and Sunday. So with a baby I couldn’t put him in the car seat… I was only bit nervous when a police car was nearby but further just did it. After a good mama milk drink they would fall asleep on my lap. Only moment when I do put them back was if they wanted to play in front (because that’s would be dangerous). And later on I would sit next by the car seat and give the milk while sitting a bit in front of the little one.
I wish I knew back then before I had my boys what I know now. The information and knowledge is life changing.
Excellent work Jeanice. I trust this information will spread far and wide. This is the last thing the Powers That Shouldn't Be (PTSB) want because they are all about pain, trauma, and depopulation.
I really appreciate your efforts to teach this material. Did you see Ray and Midwestern Plagiarist both put out an article today on hospital birth?
Yeah - I did see that. I haven't had a chance to read either one of them yet. I'm so focused on putting together the proof of the ultrasound article being plagiarized and now I have to deal with that piece of shit also stealing info from my birth trauma book. This is feeling like ALOT of work, but I'm going to complete the task and make sure the information spreads wildly.
Good, Ray's article is short and sweet. I didn't bother with Midwestern Plaigiarist because I don't like being lied to.
good for you! I HAVE TO read it to see how much she stole from my book.
Did it with all my boys… we had to go 3,5 hours every Friday and Sunday. So with a baby I couldn’t put him in the car seat… I was only bit nervous when a police car was nearby but further just did it. After a good mama milk drink they would fall asleep on my lap. Only moment when I do put them back was if they wanted to play in front (because that’s would be dangerous). And later on I would sit next by the car seat and give the milk while sitting a bit in front of the little one.
I wish I knew back then before I had my boys what I know now. The information and knowledge is life changing.
Lovely Angel! Good for you and good for them!
What a gorgeous lovely uplifting very naturally analogue Human post and picture**
glad you like it!
one L