I am wholly intrigued. Would love to know more:

"I have 20 pages of material so far documenting absolute proof that MWD is a plagiarist and a fraud."

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Katherine - I will release the information once I have pulled it all together. It is simple, but so so tedious, to compare the text of my book to MWDs article about ultrasound. I would say about 80% of what he/she shared about ultrasound came straight out of my book. This entity is an intellectual thief and will be fully exposed in the not-too-distant future. He/she is also a satanic/luciferian jew and this will be confirmed as well.

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Looks very suspect,but not enough to get past a jury trial as far as intent anyway..how she escaped fuller prosecution a mystery for manslaughter at least?

Please fill in more details a jury could use...not enough here for me to in concise form push your fuller narrative on her and I'd like too..perhaps numbering each detail in chart form would help lawyer style without going to 2O page,like short version ...then backed by long version with numbered references...as accusation is out already on a big player...let's see it tomorrow please!

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Excellent work Jeanice. We know that Covid was not only U.S. DoD orchestrated but also a Jewish designed genocidal operation. I saw a video where RFK said something along the lines that the Covid jabs were designed to not affect the Jewish population.

We also know that Talmudic Judiasm = Communisim = Satanism.

I attended the third annual Advanced Medicine Conference, and my gut instinct was to not trust any of the speakers, RFK being one of them via teleconference. Lee Merritt gave me the creeps. I attended the conference merely to take notes and observe.

There was a Satanic aspect to the conference when they dimmed the lights and played a deep low rumbling tone for a few minutes with red lights in the background highlighting the "Freedom Doctors" in silhouette . I felt like they were mind controlling the audience.

During that conference, a prominent Doctor in the audience, a blood specialist, raised her concerns over unknown fibers she had observed in nearly all of her patients' blood samples. Dr Buttar scoffed at her and told her she was being negative and totally discounted her. Dr. Buttar was military, an Army trauma surgeon if memory serves correct.

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Lee Merritt is a total tranny. I don't know how people don't see this. Luciferian cults are filled with trannies since luciferians raise their children to be the opposite gender. This is a way to break the children from their core identity so that alter identities can be created that will be in service to the cult. All "transgender" people have alter identities. They have lost the connection to their true self.

I don't know much about Buttar but I think he's dead. And what a moron if he tried discredit someone bringing up the issue of what is in people's blood.

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Thank you for the insight about the prevalence of Transvestites in the Slimelord cults. I just made that up, like Lord of the Flies. I observed that Tranny thing with Bill and Melinda Gates.

Yes Buttar is supposedly deceased. When he made that attempt to humiliate the blood specialist, a whole line of people, including myself, got up to speak with her in a show of support/solidarity and to exchange information.

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Interesting so many of them support vitamin D when alot of D studies are weak and alot suspect..

It's a fact it may in combination with synthetic calcium be a top 5 reducer of health and life as it weakens bones, hips,calcifies veins,brain,arteries,organs and if my theory is right pulls on many of the minerals not just calcium out of the bones and likely toxic metals from bones as well in higher doses causing toxic pooling in brain,etc. Any top 5 reducer of population would earn protection from shills I betcha!

If you say it's rat poison people look at you like your whacked!! Haha!

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While I agree that these synthetic vitamins should be avoided as they are nothing but chemical poisons, I think it would be good for you to start providing evidence of the things you are sharing.

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Well Jeanice it's ironic your asking me for evidence on my singular D comments ie it's toxicity and you make blanket statement all synthetic vitamins are chemical poisons and nothing but at that ie no health effects potential at all....I disagree,I'm not on that extreme bandwagon rolling around SUBSTACK lately...some of the vitamins and minerals that undergo synthetic processing can do some good in careful dosing as avg Americans diet is so depleted of nutrients they can help as is shown with livestock and etc where results are seen fast and their feed is poor quality...

Vitamin K2 Rotterdam study involving like 30,000 people over 10 years showed k2 synthetic decreased cardiovascular disease 52 percent and overall mortality a stunning 26 percent! Magnesium came in 2nd at approx half those stats and I believe zinc 3td at about 1/2 magnesiums stats or 7 percent reduction mortality still very significant!

As for D and calcium everything I touched on is well accepted as truth except for D pulling on other minerals like calcium and potentially other heavy metals in bones.

Dr Senef claims its cholesterol sulfate in skin that reacts with sun not D and D pulls on sulfur (mineral there and draws attached cholesterol ie with sulfate into bloodstream,sun charged and D itself does little else...

My theory is based on 4 evidences,one that if D is accepted as being able to pull calcium out of rats bones to kill them then it can do same with humans to non lethal levels at lower dose.

Further since evidence provided by famous scientist Senef is accepted by a portion of scientific community that D can pull on sulfur mineral,it follows as a probability that it will pull on other minerals and potentially heavier metals as well.

Apart from that seems impossible nearly that D could pull calcium out cleanly without minerals bonded to calcium partially being pulled on even if D has no pulling power on other minerals alone.

Apart from those evidences I saw 2 studies online that stated D pulls minerals from bones apart from calcium...those studies were stripped from my computer strangely.

It would be not difficult to measure for blood minerals after rats given D..

I conjecture a plot to use D as a blood mineralizer to makeup for depleted bad food beyond cholesterol sulfate connections somewhat accepted with Senef theory but it's not crucial to my main theory that D is a blood calcium builder using bones as a source and other minerals that follow are forbidden to be spoken of by plot going back to Rockefeller days nearly as people wouldn't stand for their bones being leached on and weakened knowingly but alternative for many undernourished is worse as body organs stop functioning well without at least 30 of the 115+ minerals at least available in micro amounts according to many studies and deleted food often has next to zero minerals , especially BIOAVAILABLE non synthetic minerals...

These are evidences,not proofs..again I'm up against a cover up and just one guy with this theory that I know of except Senef alludes to other minerals being pulled as well besides calcium and sulfur

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I was on Tenpenny’s telegram group for a while.

It started out with people really wanting to know wtf was happening.

Over time, she started pulling the “Jesus card”, and the place began to be overwhelmed with fundies— a large percentage of which were hasbara trolls imo .

At some point she was promoting a class about freemasonry. It goes without saying that chabadniks and masons are butt buddies, and I called them out on it.

Hardly made a dent. Only a tiny fraction of the audience got the connection.

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It's depressing how asleep most people are.

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Thanks tru3. I had a Covid aware physician friend and she worked for Tenpenny but not for long. She couldn't work with Tenpenny. I never got the reason why.

You don't say? Sodomites? Learn all about them here: https://theopenscroll.blogspot.com/search?q=sodomite+gateway

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I meant that phrase “bb” metaphorically. Doesn’t surprise me it’s literally as well.

They both believe in tikkun olam: burning the village to the ground in order to save it.

Then ruling over the ashes.

The world doesn’t need to be repaired; that’s merely a justification for wicked behavior.

Very interesting about your physician friend.

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WOW! Thank you for sharing this. That sodomite article is so important!

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Was Tenpenny supporting or attacking freemasonry and can I find record online?

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Here’s the link to the seminar she was promoting back in August last year… actually most of the comments were anti


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If they were anti you should correct your Tenpenny pro mason tinge there...Tenpenny likely just bit dimwitted and gullible..not a satanist...you should be afraid to cast accusations that leve and directionl without knowing!!!

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I didn’t say she was a satanist, I merely observed she was promoting a class on freemasonry, and that chabadniks and Freemasons share many of the same beliefs, among which is the concept of tikkun olam.

I stand corrected on the responses to the seminar from her audience. Overwhelmingly negative. It’s been a while, thank you for bringing it to my attention.

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Both chabadnicks and freemasons are practicing satanism, whether they know it or not. These organizations are luciferian.

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Wait what are you saying ivermectin is bad for treating shedding parasites and detoxifying parasites as well as spike proteins

I’m confused the clips were all so quick I have not had a chance to read them all yet is there an article that supports or suggests that????

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The articles Tony linked to are extremely important. I hope you will read them. Ivermectin is, indeed, a parasite "medicine" and this is part of why it helps heal cancer - because cancer is often linked to parasite infections. However, ivermectin is also highly toxic and it has been well-established that is causes infertility.

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True pharmaceuticals are sorcery thank you so very much!

I’ve been trying several things like charcoal wormwood clove and black walnut but I’ve not heard of mectizan I do have crystalline nano copper and I have been taking baths with epsom salts and baking soda thank you again for the link 🙏

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If you are looking to detox from shedding or the jab, you might want to follow this guys substack. He's doing fantastic work: https://managainstthemicrobes.substack.com/p/my-protocol-with-reasons-and-logic

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Mectizan is Ivermectin.

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Rumour baking soda and Epsom salt can cause dehydration and fast calcification..unconfirmed...still looking for confirm

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There’s no strong scientific evidence that Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) directly cause dehydration or “fast calcification” when used in normal amounts. However, there are some potential explanations for why these concerns might arise:

1. Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)

• Laxative Effect: When taken orally, Epsom salt can draw water into the intestines, leading to diarrhea and potential dehydration if excessive amounts are consumed.

• Magnesium and Calcium Balance: Magnesium and calcium interact in the body, and an imbalance (too much magnesium or too little calcium) could affect mineralization, but there’s no direct evidence that Epsom salt causes rapid calcification.

2. Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)

• Sodium and Dehydration: High sodium intake can contribute to dehydration by increasing water retention and excretion. However, typical uses of baking soda (such as in baths or small oral doses) are unlikely to cause severe dehydration.

• Alkalosis and Calcium Deposition: Excessive consumption of baking soda can lead to metabolic alkalosis, which theoretically could impact calcium balance and deposition in tissues, but this would require excessive, long-term use.


In normal doses, neither Epsom salt nor baking soda are likely to cause dehydration or rapid calcification. However, excessive intake of either could lead to imbalances that might contribute to these effects. If you’re concerned about mineral balance, staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy diet with adequate magnesium, calcium, and potassium is essential.

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There's also the issue of extreme amounts of calcium in the cells from exposure to pulsed microwaves. See the work of Dr. Martin Pall for more info about this. Absorbing magnesium transdermally can help balance this issue and bring relief to people who are experiencing symptoms of microwave illness which I discussed in a recent substack here: https://jeanicebarcelo.substack.com/p/wireless-radiation-linked-to-23-chronic

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Question; if Choliciferol ie vit D can pull enough calcium into cells or veins to kill a rat is it reasonable to assume medium to high does but d could also cause excess calcium in cells...Dcon lists or used to k2 as antidote for pets poisoned.is it not more powerful a decalcifier then magnesium?.. wouldn't this be even more true if taken with synthetic calcium or natural calcium

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Dr. M was supposedly injured in an aircraft accident, which she said was meant to kill her. Thoughts?

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She's controlled opposition. See Agent131711's articles. Lee Merrit outed herself as controlled opposition when she lied about Agent after he exposed the Vitamin scam.


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Indeed Tony, he/she is 100% controlled opposition and totally creepy. Not to be trusted!

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We are inspired to read hear and see Americans waking up to the 5th columnist state within the state...the.JQ..... revolted by the...reprobate vile totalitarian JEWS and globohomosexual Jew cyborg filth that the uniparty and trumprat supports*.Bill Gates should Hang**We read that chabad -lubavitch Jew-satan-cult convert trump has ordered the mass injection of millions of chickens with bio agents similar or identical to the new Jew Kung Flu Covid kill shots..the Covid clot shots...Real people must find the way to restrain. trumpdog s Jewish occult psychosis..we doubt that the majority of..now disappointed trumptards are happy with these JEWS poisoning.adulterating ....generically modifying foods...***. Publicize his jewdeviltry..his quackery..megalomaniacal amoral arbitrary demon pissed trump is again playing with fire..acting out the part of the myopic fool...**

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Typo... Demon posesed..fool..like El-On Muskrat offering his sperm to all sorts of women**Trump s keeps company with lunatics..Jew butchers ..power mad 30 pieces of Zionist silver opportunists ..**

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Great comments Seismic7! Thanks for sharing.

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God bless. God Speed..thank you **

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naZI therefore ZIonist 🤦 I get so tired of hearing that

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naziism and zionism have nothing in common

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I know, and I know that you know, but unfortunately Elizabeth conflates the two at 15 minutes in. Whether or not that stems from ignorance or deception I don't know

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She's a jew. OF COURSE she would conflate them. I do not trust a single one of them, even when they are calling out other jews. Thanks for your important comments.

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Evil Bolshevik trash continue to support censorship laws when mass murdering Christians.

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I tried to watch this but can't seem to - keep getting a married couple v excitedly tiling about moving to Israel..I will try again..Made was injured in a plane crash apparently not many yrs ago and it was sektvby done at least it seems that she was targeted for 'truth telling' but God, her orayers, saved her etc

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This is a very enlightening documentary, thanks to Elizabeth Glass & Yana & husband... Madej hot away with murder, nearly 3? I wonder how Ivetmectin was so lauded, got a Nobel Prize for it's inventors etc if it is do dangerous but then again the Oxford 'vaccine' creators got knighted...Then again, Rothschild Ziioist UK royals ( interbred families it seems), often knight the most prolific depopulators/paedophiles ( Gates, Schwab, Saville, Cyril Smith etc..) So the rainbow is not a new symbol being used fir las few yrs - also a symbol of Noahide Laws.. Depopulation takes many forms clearly..

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Excellent comment Neve O. The psychopaths love to reward themselves and each other. It's like the various Hollywood actor award ceremonies awarding themselves for stinking poop.

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