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When I said "fight back", I was basically parroting the title of the video I shared. And while I am all for white men using aggression to protect and defend themselves, their families, and our earth, I don't think it's the ultimate solution. We cannot fight our way out of this situation. The solution has to come through consciousness -- a shift in vibrational reality to a location where these creatures cannot exist because they are simply not a vibrational match. FREQUENCY is the doorway to the resolution. I strongly suspect we will need to use the frequency of our voices to blast them (or us) the hell out of here. We certainly cannot co-exist with these creatures much longer. Either they need to go or we need to go. And since they are intruders in this dimension, I do believe they are the ones that will be leaving.

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Your words are a curse and I send every one of them back to you. Your energy is also extremely hostile so if you don't back off, you will be promptly deleted. I am not your enemy so why the attack? And why, if you are so committed to doing your "adult duty", do you hide your identity and keep yourself behind a facade? At least I have the courage to use my name and stand out as someone willing to do what I can to stop the insanity?

Please note -- I AM A WOMAN --- NOT A MAN!!!! And as a woman, I have ZERO interest in using violence as a way to deal with this issue but I am not against MEN standing up and using violence where it is necessary. And what are you? You sound like a wounded man who longs to lash out violently but who has not had the courage to do it. So you are projecting your own self-hatred onto me? Please fuck off. And please ask yourself why you would think the jew, Howard Rosenthal, has any answers for us at all when he was so stupid and arrogant as to have himself murdered for saying the things he said?

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Well put 110th. It's GAME ON, or is it? Do we have to wait for them to firestorm another American city or perhaps bomb Schenectady New York?


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